Active Joint Critical Protect

Protection for two in one plan

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Active Joint Critical Protect

A joint life insurance plan that protects you and one of your loved ones against the ten most common critical illnesses and untimely death

This plan comes with an AIA Vitality membership

Issue age

18 to 65 years old

Coverage period

10 years (until age 75)


Policy benefits

Optional rider

Customize your plan’s coverage with this supplementary benefit

You or your loved one will receive an additional cash benefit in case one of you passes away due to an accident

Show your loved ones how much you care

Insurance lingo

A plan that covers two people on a first-to-die or first-to-be-diagnosed basis. This means that the benefit will be paid if one of two people covered dies or is diagnosed with a critical illness

The amount of payment you need to make based on you and your loved one’s age at the time of renewal

Important details

  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • End-stage Lung Disease
  • Coronary Artery Bypass
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Heart Valve Replacement
  • Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
  • Kidney Failure
  • Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) due to Critical Illness*

*TPD is up to age 65 of the older insured only.

  • Active Joint Critical Protect is a joint life plan with a packaged accelerated critical illness benefit. There is a single face amount for either death or critical illness of either of the insureds. Once this is paid out, the plan ends and no other benefits will be payable. 

  • The contents of this page are for illustration purposes only. Actual terms and conditions are found in the Policy. In case of conflict, the terms of the policy shall prevail.

Upon receiving the Policy Contract, you may refer to it for the full details on the Critical Illness definitions, exclusions including the pre-existing conditions, and other limitations. If after reading the Policy Contract, you decide that this plan is not suitable to your needs, simply return it to AIA Philippines within fifteen (15) days from the date you or your authorized representative received it and we will refund to you the total premium you paid.

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